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Blu52, Just Right For You!

If you’re a ‘pool master’, you’ll have run the gauntlet hundreds of times in search of the best solution to that delicate art of clean, blue water, right? That endless acid-alkaline pH balance could fill volumes if everyone’s tales were written down. As individual as one’s choice in movies or car brands, Blu52 may however be just right for you – here’s why:

Straight from the ‘horse’s mouth’ in FAQ’s – ‘Will BLU52 make my skin feel dry after swimming? The Answer? No! “Blu52 products are much lower in chlorine than other methods and pool treatments, subsequently Blu52 will have less ‘drying’ effect on your skin”. Well, if that’s not enough to convert you, along with the ensuing ooh’s and ah’s emanating from all the females using your famed blue pool, then what is?

The quest for waters blue and balanced are neatly found in the formulation of Blu 52, but the best news of all is that if you have pets in the habit of avoiding their water bowls in favour of drinking from the pool, it’s safe for them to do so – BLU52 products have no harmful chemicals that may affect the pool water! Another reason why Blu52 could be just right for you.

Here are the five foes that mess with your pH balance, which Blu52 helps regulate:

  • Rain
  • Suntan oils
  • Bather waste
  • Chemical evaporation
  • Municipal water top ups

Whenever any of the above negate your best efforts, rendering your pool green or cloudy and you have VIP’s coming over for a swim, Blu52 to the rescue! Blu52 shock treatment will clear the pool within 48 hours. Remember to balance the water first and check that the filtration system is in ship shape, then success will be yours to the delight of all who know you’re in charge of matters aquatic in your family.