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Do I need plans to build a swimming pool?

The short answer is, absolutely! Plans are needed to build a swimming pool because whenever the nature of the work involved excavation of land, plumbing, draining and electricity supply, the Local authority has to be informed. There’s no getting around it, so whatever you do, do it legally.

Drafting plans though requires more than having skills with a ruler and pencil. Don’t be tempted to get your neighbour’s son who managed a year of architecture to do you a favour. The plans need to get from concept to council for submission and approval. Qualified people can get you there. Short-changing the process is tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot. Don’t do it!

What you’ll need to submit swimming pool plans:

  • Application forms – from your Local Authority
  • A copy of your title deed
  • Your zoning certificate
  • Plans
  • Engineers form having consulted with one
  • Money for fees – payable immediately upon submission to the cashier
  • Patience – the waiting time is in the region of 6 weeks minimum

Understanding that by the addition of a swimming pool, you’re adding to the footprint of the land and adding a structure to your property. There are rules regarding building lines, safety fencing, wastewater disposal and if you’re wanting a cool rim-flow pool hanging off the edge of a cliff face, structural support!

Once you’ve successfully submitted your application and swimming pool plans to the appropriate powers that be, don’t drop the ball – phone and request updates after about four weeks. Have your reference number on hand and make sure your file is steadily moving through the various departments and not forgotten under a pile of unrelated manilas in the office of someone who has since left. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

The best advice to follow is to get through the legal ramifications and be absolutely in the clear. If you go ahead and build a swimming pool without plans you’ll hit a blank wall when the time comes to sell only to find you can’t. You could very well be told to demolish your pool. The headaches you’ll encounter believing a pal or a pool company that tells you that building plans are not required for your swimming pool will put you off swimming for life. Instead, stay ahead of the red tape by making friends of the Local authority, keep them informed and do whatever you can to evoke cooperation.

Pool, Spa and Filtration Supplies will be happy to help you in your process – give us a call on 031 561 6424