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How to maintain your water features to keep it looking good

Having a beautiful garden takes time and effort. Adding that extra something like water features can make your garden truly spectacular. Maintaining your water features is extremely important if you want them to stand the test of time, which is why you need to know how to go about it.

There are a number of different water features that you can add to your garden. Depending on the size of your garden will determine whether you decide to choose a pond or a lavish water fountain. Whichever one you decide to go for, you will need to know how to maintain them properly. It is not as simple as just putting a water feature in your garden, they require time and effort if you want them to be a good investment.

Firstly, it is important to discuss the correct maintenance of a pond. A Pond is slightly more difficult to look after than that of a water feature. This is mainly due to the fact that you will need to create the correct living environment for your fish. Depending on what type of fish you decide to get, will also determine how to approach the care of the water feature. The correct living environment for your fish will include:

  • Mechanical and biological filters
  • Pumps and plumbing
  • Rocks and gravel
  • Aquatic plants

Creating the environment is only the beginning, you will than need to clean the pond properly and keep it free of debris and algae. This process will require the careful care of the fish.

In order to clean the pond properly you will need to remove the fish. The safest way to do this is to take the water from the existing pond to fill up a holding tank, then transport the fish into that holding tank. If you decide to change the water in the pond, make sure to add the new water to the holding tank so that the fish can acclimatise.

With the correct equipment at hand you will be able to maintain your water feature all year round

The best way to maintain water features is to make sure that you have all of the correct equipment. With the correct equipment, like a pump and filter, water features should be able to keep clean with very little maintenance from your side. However, if you do start to see a build-up in algae than you may need to check that all of the elements are working correctly. Another helpful tip, is to keep an eye on the water level, if the water level gets too low it can cause the pump to burn out. If you have any stones in the water feature, clean them once a month with a scrubbing brush to rid them of any dirt that could cause other issues.

Having a crystal clear water feature is easy if you have the right equipment. Where can you get the right equipment? Well you need look no further than Pool Spa & Filtration. From clear water features to sparkling pools, Pool Spa & Filtration will make sure that your water is clean and clear at all times. Need to upgrade your pool with accessories, then contact Pool Spa & Filtration. To find out more about the products and accessories on offer by Pool Spa & Filtration, visit their website