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Pool pumps – your questions, answered

If you are a home owner, you probably have a pool of some sort. This is a great thing to have, as pools are fantastic things. You do, however, need to have a basic understanding of how the pool pumps that go with them work, as you will need to maintain this crucial system. At the heart of every pool is its pump. The pump is made up of a system of pipes and an electric motor that helps to pump water in and out of a filtration system. The motor does this by driving an electric impeller that is responsible for generating the water flow in and out of the filtration system.

Crucial to any pool pump system is, of course, its filter, as this is the part that keeps the water clean. Most people use sand filters and although there is nothing wrong with a sand filter, the latest and greatest filter is actually a cartridge filter. Cartridge filters filter down to 15 microns – which is far better than sand filters. It also doesn’t require backwashing which saves water and protects the environment. If your sand filter needs replacing, you should consider changing to a cartridge filter. It will save you money, time and effort.

Other aspects of pool pumps

Since there is not a lot that gets taught about pool pumps, especially to new home owners, there are several questions that you might have.

Besides running the impeller, what else does my pool pump need to do? Well, along with making sure that water reaches the filtration system, the pump also helps during the all-important backwash phase. The backwash phase is necessary when the build-up of debris in the filtration system has reached a critical point. It is then that the main pipe toward the pool will be closed and the drainage pipe opened. This is a pipe that takes all of the water away from the main pool. The valves get readjusted and the pump must now pump water out in a different direction. If this step is not performed every once in a while, the pump and filtration systems will get too blocked up to clean your pool properly.

How can I care for my pool pump properly? The first thing that you should do is look at it like a car. A car runs pretty well on its own, but it needs a tune up every once in a while, as does the electric motor that controls your pool pump. Make sure that you get a qualified technician to service the pool pump regularly. Depending on your situation, you could need a service once a year or once in three years. The best indication is the sound of the pump. When the pump’s sound changes, you need to have someone look at it. The different sound is usually caused by worn-out bearings. If replaced in time, it is not too expensive. However, if you wait too long, the motor could burn out and you would have to fork out a whole lot more in order to repair/replace the pump. Another clear indication that the pump could be faulty is the working of it. If you recognise a decrease in flow/suction, it could be time for a service. If you are uncertain, please give us a call or bring the pump to us. We do not charge our customers for quotations.

Will the chemicals in my pool affect my pool pump? Absolutely! Although the concentration of chlorine etc. is far too little to affect your system, the presence of calcium and copper will inevitably damage your pool shell, pipes, filter and pump in the long run. We strongly recommend that you use calcium-free chlorine and that you do not use any products containing copper (even copper sulphate) as both calcium and copper will negatively impact your pool.

Want more advice from the experts? Then you should get in touch with Pool Spa and Filtration. We are the specialists when it comes to providing you with everything that you need in order to achieve a healthy pool. For more info, visit