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Potential Pool Hazards To Look Out For Over the Holidays

As we ease into summer and look forward to lazy days around the pool, it would be wise to take a few minutes to remind ourselves of some of the dangers. Safety first, as a rule!

When talking about pool hazards, most people think: drowning. And yes, that is a major factor. But did you know that there are at least four other considerations which cause significant injuries every year?

Swimming Pool Chemicals

The chemicals that we use in our pools are strong and dangerous to pets and children. They should always be locked away and out of reach from little hands. Keep your pool tools maintained and make sure that there are no leaks or cracks in the storage containers.


As we know, electricity and water aren’t the best of friends. So it’s up to Dad, or your maintenance people, to make sure that lighting, pumps and heaters are all well maintained and checked regularly. Anything electrical needs to be properly installed – there are no shortcuts.


Sadly, too many children are lost each year through drowning. Which is why local laws insist that a swimming pool needs to be covered or inaccessible to little people. A pool fence or a strong pool net – or both – are vitally important. A solid pool cover needs to be firmly anchored around the edges and children should be taught from a very young age not to play around the pool.

Drains And Pumps

Even a modest-sized pump in a jacuzzi or swimming pool can trap hair, feet or arms near to its suction area. A good sensor will shut down the pump in this event, and a strong and safe drain cover will limit access to these tricky suction points.

Diving Boards

We all know that somehow, the boys in the family become professional divers in the presence of a diving board. If you suspect that your pool may be too shallow for a diving board and you find that people are making contact with the floor of the pool, then remove it. It’s too easy to slip or fall awkwardly, and to injure your spine or break bones.

With that out of the way, we at Pool Spa wish you the very best holiday season and look forward to being of service in the new year.