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Magical Water Walls in the Home 

Home design and décor have always been a wonderfully creative space for those of us who want to experiment. Of course, the different materials available to use make for exciting, innovative and truly beautiful creations in our homes. 

Water walls have generally been reserved for the outdoors, some commercial spaces and high-end residential homes. However, there has been a move toward smaller wet walls which can be installed in our homes which add a whole new dimension to our home décor. 

Water Walls In The Home

Water walls are very simply a vertical surface with a collector at the base and a pump which circulates the water up to nozzles at the top.

The magic comes in when the water interacts with the chosen surface, trickling down and creating a beautiful glistening sheet. Slate, marble, various metals or stone are used to create the backdrop for a wet wall which allows the water to bring the material to life.

An example of this can be found in an article from the Wall Street Journal which highlighted this amazing piece from Adagio Water Features in Utah, USA.

“In Adagio Water Features’ vertical Inspiration Falls, water streams between two pieces of hand-primed metal. The copper design’s fire-dried patina creates a wavelike sheen in the metal. A powder coat ensures that it retains its true color instead of turning green.”

While this piece may not be a massive structure as you would expect from a traditional wet wall, there s no doubt that it brings a stunning look to a wall, in addition to the quiet and calming sounds of trickling water. 

Another example of next-level thinking is this beautiful stand-alone water wall used as a centre-piece in this gorgeous home featured in

The homeowners have cleverly used this shimmering piece as both a visual barrier between rooms as well as a uniquely beautiful piece of art.

Have you been considering a water wall in your home? Pool Spa doesn’t just do pools, rather, we design and install fountains, water walls, and a host of other bespoke pieces to enhance your space.

Give us a call today.


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