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Preparing for Pool Renovation?

There comes a time when even the best cared for swimming pools need a facelift. Nothing lasts forever, right? If you are facing a pool renovation, we’d like to highlight a few considerations to best prepare you for this undertaking.

If you’re replacing the coping, retiling or looking at a full-blown pool renovation, take note:

Prepare For A Mess

Building work – in any form – is seldom a quiet and civilised affair. Breaking up tiles, chipping away at cement and mixing concrete, coupled with noisy deliveries and what can feel like a hundred people on your property can be stressful!

We recommend planning your renovation during times when you can spend your day at a family member’s house (away from the noise and dust) and when it will be the least disruptive to your family. (Noise like this during exam time can be a real headache.)

No matter how careful your swimming pool contractor is, there will be dust, rubble, and the very real possibility of damage to plants or lawn. Try to move potted plants and garden ornaments out of the way before you start, and perhaps even grab a dust sheet to cover up the doors and windows facing the pool renovation.

Plan Ahead

While on the subject of planning, a last-minute pool renovation just before Aunt Mary comes to visit is a bad idea. In fact, a last-minute anything is asking for trouble.

Besides the point above, consider when your rainy season is. A torrential downpour will put a stop to any building work and can result in unexpected and frustrating delays.

When building or renovating any part of your home, remember that it will most likely take longer, and cost more than you budget for. A new pool installation may hit rock which slows the whole process down, and it’s nobody’s fault. Poor weather conditions, taxi strikes, electricity cuts, or any number of factors can raise their ugly heads. Just be prepared.

Save Your Water

We may be experiencing a beautifully wet summer this year, but we all know how quickly that changes.

Do your country and your pocket a favour, and make sure that the pool renovation specialists that you choose can save the water from your pool. There are several options available to save your precious pool water and prevent you from forking out for 50 000 litres of municipal water once your pool renovation is complete.

We have only skimmed the surface of the pool renovation preparation guide, but if you want to know more please call one of our friendly team at Pool Spa.


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