The pump plays a critical role in keeping your pool in good health. The role of swimming pool pumps is to pump water in a continual cycle, from the pool through the filter and chemical treatment system (if installed) and back to the pool again via return lines in the pool wall. Before calling any pool pump repair service, try these simple pre-checks for pool pumps that will save your pool pump and help you avoid shopping around for expensive pool pumps.
Does your pool pump just buzz and not start?
To test if your pump motor simply needs a new low cost starter capacitor, or if there is a blockage in your pump, carry out this easy test:
- If your pump doesn’t buzz and is completely quiet, use a 220 volt test lamp to check if power is going to the pump wires that connect into the electric motor.
- Remove the cover at the top of the pump electric motor to do this. There are only three wires; live, neutral and earth.
- You need to locate the live and neutral wires to test for 220 volts using the test lamp. The earth wire is normally green. Test the other two for 220 volts.
- Your timer could also be the problem, or your wires have come loose where they connect to the electric motor. If the wires are loose, tighten them up using an 8mm or 10mm spanner and see if that solves your problem.
How to test if your pool pump motor starting capacitor is your problem
- Place a medium sized screwdriver in the small hole at the back of the pump electric motor. With the pump turned off, engage the screwdriver in the motor shaft’s slot.
- Once you feel you have engaged the slot in the shaft using your screwdriver, try and turn the shaft. If the shaft turns freely there is a very good chance your pump can be saved by carrying out the following procedure.
- Switch on the pump and give the shaft a quick turn clockwise using your screwdriver. If your pump starts and runs fine, shop around for a capacitor replacement or replace it yourself.
- The capacitor is located under the screw off cover where the electrical wires enter your pump motor. It is a white cylindrical object. Remove the two wires and connect the new wires. It doesn’t matter which way around you connect the wires.
- Make sure the mf rating printed on the capacitor is the same.
- Don’t run the pump motor for extended periods until you replace the capacitor. Some capacitors are involved in the running of the pump.
- If the shaft won’t turn at all, there is a 99% chance your motor bearings have seized. You then need to shop around for a price on a service or new unit.
How to test if a blockage in your pool pump is your problem
- If you can turn the motor shaft, but you find it is stiff, turn the shaft backwards and forwards counter clockwise and clockwise simultaneously for a while. If something is jamming your impeller, this movement can release the object. If the shaft suddenly turns freely, the blockage has been released. Now try start your pump.
- If you have a blockage in your pump suction line underground, you’ll hear a distinct “revving” up and down of your pump.
- If your pump runs for a while then switches off, you either have a blockage, or your electric motor bearings are worn out and seizing up.
If you have tried all these DIY tips and still find that you are having problems with your pool pump, then you need to contact the experts in the business, Pool Spa & Filtration. Pool Spa & Filtration will be able to give you specialist advice and if needed, replace your pool pump at a very reasonable price. From water features to swimming pool pumps, Pool Spa & Filtration has it all! To find out more about the products and services on offer through Pool Spa & Filtration, visit their website